Welcome to the Homepage of the Welcome to Music Podcast & Blog with Susie Davies-Splitter!
Oct. 4, 2023

Ep. 1 - Music for All!

Ep. 1 - Music for All!

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Welcome to "Music for All," the podcast episode that's all about the power of music to enrich lives and bring joy to people of all ages and backgrounds. I'm your host, Susie, and I couldn't be more excited to kick off this musical journey with you.

In this episode, we'll also explore six hacks and activities for music-making that you can use with children, whether you're an educator or a parent. From action songs to name games and transition songs, we'll uncover how music can enhance social skills, boost self-esteem, and stimulate cognitive development. Plus, we'll share a traditional musical story that's not only entertaining but also educational.

So, join me on this exciting journey as we discover the beauty and transformative power of music, and learn how it truly is "Music for All."